Speciális vegyianyagok
Specialty chemicals manufacturing
The specialty chemicals industry synthesizes a very diverse range of products, from paints and flavorings to agrochemicals (plant health products).

Process equipment
Specialty chemicals are produced in high value-added product batches, requiring corrosion resistant reactors, overhead condensers and pipework.
Reactor vessels
Specialty chemicals are produced in small high-value-added batches in a reaction vessel. Synthesis reactions may be produced in a severely corrosive environment requiring reactive metals reactors.
Heat exchangers
Depending on the nature of the chemistry, our heat exchangers are manufactured from a diverse range of corrosion resistant materials:
- Graphite,
- Silicon Carbide,
- Tantalum,
- Zirconium
- and Nickel Alloys.
We offer heat exchangers based on both tubular and block designs depending on the customers requirements.
PTFE-lined pipes and columns
Armylor PTFE lined pipework for any specialty chemicals production sites.
A vegyiparban nagyon sok féle terméket állítanak elő a festékektől, és az aromaanyagoktól az agrokémiai termékekig. A Mersen különféle termékeket ajánl a gyártáshoz.
További információért, kérjük, látogasson el a Mersen Különleges Anyagok divíziója magyarországi képviselőjének honlapjára: http://www.carbongrafit.hu/ vagy nemzetközi honlapunkra: www.mersen.com